
An "educated" black person that goes against the grain and has the temerity to constantly criticise and even vote against a "stupid" Black-Majority government. They look down upon anything that is non-conforming to their new-found whiteness and elitism. They are forever ready to challenge black authority, while at the same time they cower and grin at the white man.

They may be found as part of "woke-twitter" or calling on 702 radio, bitterly complaining about elected black leaders.

As a general rule they vehemently deny the existence of White Monopoly Capital.
You can never trust a Clever Black.
by BlackWisdom November 13, 2017
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Person 1: They've breached our defenses!
Person 2: Damn them and their clever ruse!
by Bitch House January 25, 2009
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A coded message to a friend meaning, that the friend is doing something that they will come to regret....probably the next morning when they sober up.
Jon, ffs it's not big and it's not clever. That bouncer is watching. Please don't get us thrown out.
by gav-wan July 12, 2018
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the clever pill and the Owesleytalk is hip.
by hytham_hammer July 6, 2005
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An attempt to mimic cleverness rather than intelligence artificially, often through hardware and/or software. See Siri, facial recognition or anything with "smart" in its title.
I'm not afraid of the AI (Artificial Intelligence) Overlords, I'm afraid of the AC (Artificial Cleverness) Overlords!
by Twajjo July 28, 2018
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1.Used mostly to agree to actions or events that seem interesting or fun at that very moment of the idea being brought up in conversation.
2. Used also as clever word play when you're talking/texting your woman which leaves you to seem mysterious and let's you see how far to the next levels she will be willing to go.
1. Hey Leeah do you want to go throw rocks at cars?
Leeah- Sure, whatevers clever.
2.woman-so what do you like to do?
Guy- Whatever's clever baby
by LeeahNicole August 17, 2023
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