nerdy by day, alcoholic by night
Wow, she just helped me with English now she's crunk!! What a Chloe

Person 1: Look at the state she is in, how do you think she'll pull of an English essay tomorrow?
Person 2: She's such a Chloe, she'll ace it
by EllieGwyther February 24, 2009
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A friendly girl with a nice ass who is loved by everyone! She is a hot person, no girls have any problems with her and all the guys want to have hot, mad, steamy sex with her.
Chloe is so nice. She gets along with everyone
by Chloe mauel January 8, 2008
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The most beautiful and adorable girl you can ever meet with a GREAT bod and she doesn't mind getting dirty! You don't have to be something that your not around her because she sees the inner beauty in everything. She prefers to stay at home and cuddle than dress up and waste money because she believes that love is where you are. If she ever spills out her heart to you then you know she really trusts you and you better not mess that up! She is extraordinary and people who are lucky enough to meet her will never forget her outer and inner beauty. You would always want to make her smile just to see that smile that will make your whole day. She is a sexy as fuck girl with a nice ass who is loved by everyone! She is a hot person and she knows how to use what her mama gave her in ways that you never knew was possible. All the guys want to have hot, mad, steamy sex with her. Chloe’s are witty, humorous and sensual For some strange reason they have the most intense eyes you will ever fall into. An amazing, crazy, and loveable girl. The kind that is friends with everyone and never seems to be in a bad mood. she doesn't care what others think about her she believes that she is just the way God made her! She is the type of girl that if u ain’t already wanting to fuck her then spend one night getting to know her, she won’t let you down. she is incredibly sexy with her body language, (meaning the way she dances, smiles, acts, her everything! is irresistible and a TOTAL turn on)!
DAMN!! i want to smash chloe so hard right now while getting to know everything about her at the same time!!
by 100% the truth May 3, 2016
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A chloe is a person that is not kind but savage
Man 1 "I tried to kiss a chloe but she slapped me"

Man 2"I know me too but she threw me in a dumpster"

Man 3"I still love her though"

All men"To be honest I love her more than I love my best friends"
by YoyogalC.CArenaDintlon March 15, 2017
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Chloe is a wonderful, beautiful, and adorable girl when you look at her your legs turn into noodles and every time You see her You would just want to give her a hug because You love her so much You would catch a Grenade for her
Chloe means everything to me
by Professor Nuke January 14, 2017
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A feminine name associated with the Greek goddess Demeter, this beautiful name means verdant, blooming, fertility, and young green shoots. It connotes spring, a plentiful harvest, flowers, and life anew.

She who is blessed with the name Chloe is a beautiful, intelligent lady, sweet and likeable. She is forever the optimist and can brighten up anyone's day. Creative and wise, she can think of solutions to any problem.

A beautiful name, for a beautiful person.
I am naming my daughter Chloe, hoping she'll be a smart, lively soul.
by ad.m3li0ra August 29, 2023
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A Chloe is a person who has a lot of problems but doesn’t let people know about them. Chloe’s keep it bottled up and put on a smile and make it their life mission to make everyone else feel amazing before giving themself a thought. They always have good intentions when it comes to people they love but it mightn’t always go to plan but mostly it does. Chloe’s are incredibly protective over their friends. If a Chloe is mad at you she’ll with REALLY let you know or just act like everything’s fine. Chloe’s have no problem cutting you out of their life if there’s a good reason. Chloe’s do not act without reason. A Chloe could be sweet and caring towards some people and the complete opposite to others. Chloe’s are often very good friends with Taurus’s they’re very compatible. If a Chloe has a crush on you she’ll drop little hints or straight up tell you. Chloe’s do not believe in “taking it slow” they’re fast moving and ambitious people. Chloe’s have very few friends but the few they have are very close friends and she’ll know everything about them even down to their favorite colour. Over a Chloe is an amazing friend and significant other
Look at that beautiful face, must be a Chloe
by October 16, 2021
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