simple insult that pertains to any person/persons recognized as an asshole, bitch, faggot, douchebag, etc.
That little fuckin bit stole my steely and drank it while i was bangin that hottie.
by Jizzim Rollins November 25, 2003
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bit- slang from LA meaning to steal, take, or copy.
jade: that's a really cool tattoo.
logan: thanks, i bit the idea off this kid i saw at a show.
by eyes_that_parlayze September 7, 2006
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refers to male genitalia. commonly used in conjunction with peices
she was all over my bits.
he wanted a go with my bits and peices, i politely told him to sod off.
by alex December 4, 2004
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"Will you lend me twenty quid?"
"Oh yeah, in a bit!"
The phrase 'Never seen it" can also be used although as the phrase is only used in the North West of England, it should be pronounced 'Neva sin it'.
by DJ Fishy April 29, 2006
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Whenever you ask an asian person if they've studied for a quiz/test/exam, they will usually reply with 'a bit'.. However, don't be fooled. You know that they've spent days studying because of their parents.
You : Hey Ching-Lau, study for that health test?
Asian: *Deep accent* A bit (inside head - for like 5 hours)
by julian1234 May 19, 2010
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Noun. Either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body that secrete milk after pregnancy. Synonym for boobs, boobies, tits, fun pillows, milk sacks, sweater meats.
Shoot that hot salt all over these big bits! Give it to me damn it!
by Cowboytickler October 13, 2020
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