Da act of unsuccessfully trying to transfer someone from more-friendly-and-peaceable lands into da most-feared region of Middle Earth.
Da Black Riders committed attempted Mordor on Frodo at the Ford of Bruinen, but he managed to ride past them and cross the water, amid their cries of "Come back! Come back! To Mordor we will take you!"
by QuacksO June 22, 2023
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Effort: A determined attempt that is either physical and mental, which is done to achieve the purpose of something, someone, or yourself. Something that is uncertain to work; succeed; when something serves its desired purpose.
I attempt to achieve many purposes with paid attempt, but I don't succeed until I have achieved my own purpose.
by Mindsick December 27, 2021
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When shooting a load at at potential recipient’s face, they turn away and their ear takes the heat.
I had a clear shot at her face, but it just ended up being an assassination attempt.
by Dingelberry July 16, 2024
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The act of using a search engine to find specifically what one is looking for. If the search string is vague it may require multiple attempts with various other search strings.
"It took me 15 freakin search string attempts to find the doco i saw 3 years ago!"
by Richie De Bauchery February 10, 2016
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A phrase to say when someone tries to make a joke and/or comeback, but it ends up being completely unfunny.
Person 1: Wow, you really get no bitches huh?
Person 2: your mom is my bitch
Everyone else: Worst attempted bangers
by Big dimo August 2, 2022
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The attempt of murder never occcurs, but the attempt of attempt does
You are guilty of attempted attempted murder
by Connor’s lawyer April 29, 2022
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