(1): A half iced-tea half lemonade drink created by the Arizona drink company. You can find them at most 7-11's, just ask the Muslim guy working there.
(2): A sexual act where, preferably a guy, palms the head of an individual, and soon gets into a rhythm of pulling the head towards his (or her) crotch, leaving a 50/50 mixture of jizz and saliva in the overjoyed victim's mouth.
Friend 1: Did you hear what Gavin did over the weekend?
Friend 2: No, what?
Friend 1: He finally got tired of t-bagging and gave Megan the good ol' Arnold Palmer. Good man.
Friend 2: Dang......I tried to do that yesterday but turns out the bitch has herpes.
by marklikeslittleboys July 15, 2011
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He is a man who resembles Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he is of African American Descent.
(Black Girl get covered in a Tall Black Man's shade when she is tanning)
BG: Hey Arnold Schwarzenegro, can you move? You're blocking my sunlight.
by SilverwolfX9 December 1, 2011
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A pretty alright show that used to be broadcasted on Nickelodeon. The main character was named Arnold, a kid who wore a kilt and whose head was shaped like a football. His best friend was named Gerald. Gerald had hair much like Marge Simpson from The Simpsons. There's a girl named Helga, who is a terrible, ugly girl with a unibrow and was in love with Arnold, but treated him like shit. The series had many, weird-ass people that seemed to be pariahs from society. One guy is Pigeonman, an old-timer who had sex with birds. He was eventually carried away by his pigeons to a far-off land. There was Stoopboy, a scumbag who was afraid to leave his stoop for whatever reason. He finally had the balls to leave his stoop.

Arnold's house would be stuffed with animals that would run outside everytime he opened the door. Animals included a cat, a dog, a pig, and more. There were also many Jews in his household.

Arnold: What?

by Wasabimoto October 12, 2007
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An incredibly handsome man; or boyfriend you might say. The best person that could change your life in a majorly amazing way. Usually likes to eat hot foods. A sweetheart. Loves camping. Insightful. Caring. SEXY.
I would really like a "Jason Arnold" boy, I've heard he's amazing. :)
by Oliver7729681 May 5, 2011
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Puttin cinnamon on a girls vaginal area and pounding it till it feels like sand paper
I did a dusty arnold with brittany and she cried
by Dusty Arnold May 8, 2015
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When you have to piss right after cumming - both of which are stored in the balls.
"Do you know where Steve went?"

"Yea, he said he had to go make an Arnold Ballmer then he'll be back."

"Ah, hope it comes out alright."
by 🅱elix June 27, 2020
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A guy named Sam who has a rediculously muscular body, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or even bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Friend "Hey look at Sam, he is very muscular."
Me "He's an Arnold Samzenegger."
by PassionFusion February 27, 2023
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