When a hooked sets up shop on a corner and sells you the stuff.
I went to a corner store yesterday, I was very pleased
by Sir_noms_alot April 8, 2016
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Why does she need to grab melons? She already has the whole grocery store in her shirt, she has a grocery store rack.
by shobu July 27, 2008
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Referring to splurging on unnecessary items when funds are not sufficient.
Don't be feelin like you could go shopping at the Versace store when you still owe me money nigga.
by Fuckwithit1 October 15, 2013
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The act of kiestering a hot dog until it has been sufficiently warmed and then shat into a bun.
Tom, did you get the convenience store special?

Yeah Dave, I did. I don’t recommend the chili though.
by RedRedRed Red November 8, 2023
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A black person that walks in without a mask because theyre face is the mask and they most likely are there to rob some grape soda or something.
by A blackie of the blackie September 21, 2022
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Refers to the preliminary "look-see" stroll dat you make along a store's shelves prior to requesting assistance in locating a certain item of merchandise; this ensures dat you will not feel foolish --- and/or needlessly interrupt a probably-already-overly-busy store-employee --- by asking for help in finding something dat was actually right out in plain view all along, and so you could likely have spied it yourself if you'd simply been looking more carefully/closely.
I always make sure to do a through store-aisle preamble before calling an associate to help me find something I want to buy; it always a relief to see the employee pause and scratch his/her own head while seeking out my desired item (or have said staffperson regretfully tell me that either the store doesn't carry what I'd wanted or it's out of stock), since this means that I don't have to feel foolish or guilty for having "interrupted someone for nothing".
by QuacksO May 15, 2019
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A form of mental retardation. A true sign someone gets off on wasting their time and money and a gas station in frivolous shit they do not need in the slightest.
Oh god here comes Karen, ready to blow 1/4 of her paycheck in one go on scratchers, cigarettes, overpriced alcohol and other senseless shit. She should go see a psychiatrist and see if she has Convenience Store Addiction Syndrome.
by Hadurrrhurr November 24, 2021
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