today i went to the sussy amogus sugoma balls dababy school and I learned a lot about sussy stuffs
by C17H21NO4 cock January 25, 2022
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2 dum fo scool so he be sus
Jake: yo luke!
Luke: yea bruh?
Jake: amogus sussy
Luke: were no longer bros
by alex4834 June 6, 2022
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Sussy Mogus Balls but with an a
I have Sussy Amogus Balls
by EmogusalDamager November 15, 2022
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We need to stop the amogus virus! It has made itself into comics! It is everywhere!
(Also I need to say The new amogus Beano comic because it's needed for some reason)
by yeetus deleus the meatus May 14, 2021
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