Blxr's holiness came to earth on this day killing the town folks inner demons and that's why we have 4/15 off from school to celebrate Blxr's honor and glory by throwing him a thank you party.
We have school off this Friday because of national "Blxr Holiday"
by Blxr Holiday April 15, 2022
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The game of odds played when on holidays, where the probability is equal to 1 over the number of days left on holidays.

When there is 2 days left on your holiday so once called on odds you must do 2 to 1.
Guy 1: Holiday odds you'll ask that girl for her number?
Guy 2: Ok 3 to 1 so?
Guy 1 &2: 3..2..1.. 2!
by Pratroculas April 26, 2017
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The days between Christmas and New Years. Named for the slang of the perineum.
We're stuck here for Christmas and New lets spend the holiday taint somewhere warm.
by Michael Soldier January 8, 2011
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These are the people that only go to church on holidays, i. e. "Christians" that only go to church on Christmas and Easter.
My mom is a holiday worshiper. She just got back from the Christmas service and is now looking forward to Easter.
by LardAndSavoryCheezusCrust August 10, 2020
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When you blue ball yourself then immediately finish on a santa claus costume while in an area thats under 30 degrees
Person 1: Hey have you seen Dave?
Person 2: Yeah I saw him, he was showing the santa claus outside with kids a Blue Holiday
by thetripleD's September 28, 2022
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When you ejaculate on the Christmas ham and serve it to your in-laws.
I gave the ham a holiday glaze after my mother in law said I should go easy on the sides at thanksgiving.
by LigmaCaulk November 22, 2020
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A saying signifying that the business or person spoken of or alluded to is finished, i.e. that it has no future.
It is all holiday at Peckham.
by Delbosco November 13, 2021
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