a name for a silly type of person who gives a lot to charity and would sacrafice themselves for you
man: she is such a nice friend
woman: yeah shes a hamster pancake
by kati herpaderp September 7, 2017
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A person of that chances a bag of drugs.
She always has a boy friend that sells drugs, she is such a sac hamster.
by DickSoLong December 30, 2020
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When two women hump/rub their pussies together.
Don’t tell anyone, but I walked in on Lisa and Erica banging hamsters last night.
by GingerBush79 October 27, 2023
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When you're a basic girl and you don't shower on the reg and try to cover it up with dry shampoo. #Hamsterlife
Ugh this hamster life of mine
by Basiccccccccc November 28, 2016
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A phrase only uttered when a human being is having a near death or serious experience. The hamster will be summoned and will fly in its hamster wheel until death this is a warning sign of what to come.
any last words?
oh shit get the hamster

oh fuck the police are on to us
Bye hamster
by Get Rick rolled January 2, 2021
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an endearing nickname given to ones pet hamster who may act as if they are on crack cocaine
This is my pet hamster, her name is Gizmo but we all just call Crack Hamster
by cookiegirl89089 December 2, 2021
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The act of putting objects inside the male urethra.

See sounding
After feeding the hamster long enough you can fit a finger in there.
by C. Kret July 13, 2008
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