This is a kung fu style you imitate a tiger fighting with his claws and use your real nails to scratch up and cut the enemy competitors in martial arts matches
Using the tiger claws style kung fu so much the nails on my dominant hand tend to be longer than my weak hand that is not as strong,
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Same as the dutch rudder. Only for women
‘Oooo shit me and Tracy got a bit hot and heavy last night. Nothing lesbian happened we just Dutch clawed each other’
by Monkeyglasses March 28, 2018
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(n) Claw-like hand shape formed by people when posting pictures of their nail art, apparently favoured because it exposes all five figernails at once.
"Getting your hand locked in the nail art claw is a major health hazard for fashion bloggers."
by michaelvizduznier August 24, 2013
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A slang term used to take place of steal, use, or denote sexual behavior
James: who ran the claw through my pack of cigarettes?!
Jameson: I don't know bro but I'd run the claw through her
by Runtheclaw October 22, 2017
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When your face gets eat to death, eating out a gal..supe.
Pop claws angry orgasm vjay Jay just ate that man's face to death. She popclawed him!
by SuperJ September 27, 2020
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1) A term to designate a special something that somebody has, especially in a romantic context. When it is used possessively, it indicates a wonderful, but nonspecific, quality. Usually capitalized.

2) As an interjection to end a conversation about the ideal type of person you would be interested in. Similar to invoking hitler to end an argument.
1) I want to find a guy who's smart, funny, and has CLAWS FOR HANDS!!!

2) "I want somebody who has..."
by Sassy Smike March 1, 2006
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2-3 fingers curled used to grasp chips in order avoid covering hand in chip seasoning.

2 finger position is used with large, whole chips

3 finger position is used for small broken crumbs (a committed chip muncher inevitably must convert to the 3 finger chip claw to consume an entire bag).

resembles the claw in the arcade machine where you try to grab stuffed animals and never win. (with the chip claw you always win)

more fingers may be used, meaning your too stoned to care
"Lick your chip claw before opening the next bag."

"Your chip claw is out."
by PBC & Scallop May 24, 2012
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