when receipients of a bcc falsely believe unknowingly that they’re familiar with a person mentioned in it but are not.
The blind carbon copy false memory thru the recipients for a loop.
by Coop Dupe June 4, 2018
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A memory diffuser is a female who makes a man forget about his ex.
Brody: damn bro I miss my ex
Aaron: sound to me like you need a memory diffuser
by Aaron aka little smile July 20, 2020
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A female that makes you forget about your past relationship.
Brody: man I wonder what my ex is doing right now.
Aaron: sounds like you need a memory diffuser man
by Aaron aka little smile July 20, 2020
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When you forget things because you smoke a lot.
Dude, you remember what happened last night?


Dang. Smoke term memory loss.
by Djfirehawk14 July 28, 2018
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A place that is filled with dumb kids who need serious help. Has mostly really short kids that go there and maybe 1 tall person. The teachers suck and when your there it feels like hell. Most kids who go to this school goes nowhere is life.

There are lots of threats to this school because no one likes it there. The food sucks and and so does the bus drivers.
Tyler: Hey when was the last time you went to hell
Jackson: Oh do you mean Warwick Vets memorial middle school

Jordan: Whoever made school should die a slow painful death
Jackson: Yup
Tyler: I hate Vets
by :) dumbass (: January 29, 2022
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A long short term memory is a recurrent neural network with long term memory.
Programmer 3: Have you upgraded to a long short term memory?
Programmer 2: Yes, I have.
Programmer 1: So, are you done on creating a neural network to generate text?
Programmer 2: Yes, I am.
Programmer 1: Good. I wanted to make a convolutional neural network.
Programmer 2: Let's do it!
Programmer 3: Yeah! I agree!
by PkmnQ July 28, 2017
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Kyle used his photoshop memory when he said "The dog had eight heads and twelve arms and legs and could drive cars, I'm serious I really seen it!"
by Msnook15 November 20, 2015
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