When someone asks what you're doing and you wanna say you're 'chilling', 'cotching', 'relaxing', jamming' instead you say 'ZENNING'
Or someone asks how you are you say 'yeah I'm zen thanks, you?'
Martin: hey
Paul: hey how are you?
Martin: zen thanks! Wuu2?
Paul: not a lot really, listening to music, zenning...
by siobhankh November 14, 2011
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Being zens is taken from around 100AD when it was a term used for being a ladies man. Further, it was thought that anyone known to be a zens, or bear the name zens to have an incredibly large penis to back up thier sexual prowess after the pulling stage.
1.Wow, that guy truly is zens, look at that lady he just pulled.

2. It's a shame im not zens, that lady would be mine around about now.
by bobby charlaton March 25, 2008
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British ISP providing high speed Internet connections to people.
Zen were at number one in the speed tests again this month
by boggits July 7, 2003
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to shove two fingers up one's butt until you reach the rectum.
Casey: Dude I fucking told you to stop zenning me. My rectum is bleeding!
Johnson: sorry my finger wanted to feel your hairy ass.
by randycrank May 1, 2019
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Zen copulation happens belly to belly; though many species of Zen engage in lengthy foreplay, the actual act is usually brief, but may be repeated several times within a short timespan. The gestation period varies with Zen species; for the small Tucuxi dolphin, this period is around 11 to 12 months. Typically Zen’s give birth to a single baby, which is, unlike most other mammals, born tail first in most cases. They usually become sexually active at a young age, even before reaching sexual maturity. The age of sexual maturity varies by species and gender.

Zen’s are known to display non-reproductive sexual behavior, engaging in masturbation, stimulation of the genital area of other individuals using the rostrum or flippers, and homosexual contact, damn that’s pretty gay.

Various species of Zen have been known to engage in sexual behavior up to and including copulation with other Zen’s of other species. Sexual encounters may be violent, with male Zen’s sometimes showing aggressive behavior towards both females and other males Zen’s. Male Zen’s may also work together and attempt to herd females in estrus, keeping the females by their side by means of both physical aggression and intimidation, to increase their chances of fucking successfully. Occasionally, Zen’s behave sexually towards other animals, including humans.
Person 1: What is up with him?!
Person 2:Oh hes just getting it on with animals that isn't his species

Person 1: Ermm...

Zen: Let me get in your pants dude...*slurpppp*
by Maplesyrup~ September 30, 2020
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Sexiest guy on the planet,loves pussy and has a massive penis
by babealopoulos November 12, 2010
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v. to sexually stimulate a female partner by moving one's thumb up and down over her clitoris, similar to the motion used in operating a Creative Zen mp3 player.
Dude, I was Zenning on Joe's mom last night, right after she gave me a blumpkin, and she went insane.
by schwiftyfive October 10, 2006
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