wtf usally stands for "what fuck" but it cna also be used for the 5 w's why/where/when/who/what the fuck
Girl=="Im going up to the mall-izzle"
friend=="WTF is your problem"
by Kris-Kris June 11, 2005
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wtf stands for "What The Fuck".
Sometimes, when adults use wtf when kids are hearing it, they will say wtf is "What The Fish".
Person A: The bag you lent me. Well, I lost it.
Person B: wtf!?!?
by RightPurpose January 13, 2019
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wow thats facinating!
wednesday thrusday friday
but it doesn't mean
what the fuck
idk where people got that crap from
"dude, wtf!!!"
"i'll be at the mall on wtf!"
by Danielle B April 25, 2008
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Welcome To Facebook

To welcome someone/thing to the international social network of facebook.
1:"WTF teacher!"
1:"For welcoming you to facebook?"
2:"I'm sorry Billy."
by The/shitimizer April 16, 2011
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1. An acronym for that the f**k
2. The former name of the Travel Federation of Wisconsin
1. WTF man! What is that?
2. The Wisconsin Travel Federation (WTF)
by Stinkweed April 8, 2012
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