some really hott guy that's gonna become famous some day
by Anonymous March 31, 2003
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A person (most commonly male) who strips off, completely naked, only wearing a cowboy hat. They will then proceed to take photos of his/herself in this attire and send it to the person who asked to see their genitals.
Person 1: Did you hear what Chris did the other day?

Person 2: YEAH! he sent someone a picture of himself in the nude, wearing a cowboy hat.

Person 1: man! that guy is such a woody!
by Tommy Nugget August 4, 2010
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the term a father uses to explain the sensation a male might recieve when he thinks lustful thoughts
"when your around a girl you might get a woody" *vomits*!! DAD! sick!!
by Fran-e and Sage August 28, 2004
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1. n An erect penis.
2. v To blow it on a girls face instantly.
Man we had no fun when she touched my woody, I immediatly pulled a woody.
by shoeless joe March 26, 2003
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The King of all Hobos...a.k.a. Woody the weak , Woody the worthless , Woody the waste of Wood
That Woody's a fuckin' hobo !!
by Chaich February 11, 2004
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1.) Drummer in 80's ska band madness
"Have you watched the video to 'It must be
love?' Woody looks very femmy in it."
by Agatha Mold October 4, 2004
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