The N****r of the world, according to John Lennon. Most convenient target and scapegoat for male users on UD who prove John right.

RIP, John Lennon. May your wife and sons have a long and happy life and never come to UD to read what men think about women. They would try to kill themselves.
The Beatles loved women and praised "the woman" in their work. Thanks guys!
by The Happy Humanist February 14, 2010
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A woman can do anything, including things men can't. When men say woman are less, it shows one of two things--that the men are truly afraid women are better and are trying to cover it up, or that these men truly don't have the slightest bit of intelligence left that they are unable to see how great women are.
by MusicianChick April 28, 2006
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After reading what men have posted about women on this site I want to say something to women.

Ladies, you know and I know that those demented tools who post hateful things about you are worthless pieces of shit. Ignore them. They have just finished watching rape porn and jerking off and decided to be clever.

Please don't become hard and never sink to their level. You must know that there are normal men out there who will always stick up for you.

As a man, I want to apologize for them and say that sometimes I am ashamed to be a man.
You fuckwits, ruin it for us normal men! Stop posting shit about women, woman, girl, girls!
by The Happy Humanist February 13, 2010
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An irrational human being that will over-analyze, over-react, and over-think what people will say and do.
Woman: based on my experiences and observations
by alihs February 22, 2008
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someone who always has to get someone else to do the work for them, and can't do anything by themselves.

someone who can't stand up for themselves. and has to get their 'friends' to step in for them.

someone who is eager to complain/get offended on someone elses behalf. this MAY be because the woman has a complaint, but the complaint has no reasonable basis. or because she wants to complain herself, but hasn't got the affront to admit it's her.

if they "like" you, they will do stuff for you. if they don't, they won't.

someone who doesn't realise that "male privilege", is people who do all the work, get the rewards.
Man: "I don't agree with that woman"
Woman: "he's being nasty to me, someone do something about it"

Man: "True statement about woman"
Woman: "I need all my 'friends' to tell me he isn't being honest and is just being a nasty person"

Woman: "I'd like to complain about 'this'"
Person: "Ok, what is wrong?"
Woman: "Someone else MIGHT be offended/have a problem with it"
Woman: " "my friend" has an opinion that there is a problem with it"

Woman: "all that male privilege"
Man: "male having to listen to you. female privilege, is talking about male privilege"
by J_S_ July 9, 2019
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The favorite scapegoat of men (eapecially on

"I am an unemployed ugly schlong who lives in momma's basement. Whose fault is it? WOMAN!"

"I am a moron on urbandictionary who's a virgin at age 25. Whose fault is it? WOMAN!"

"I am worthless and no one will ever love me. Whose fault is it? WOMAN!"
Hey, get a life you losers. And "A woman is the useless stuff around a vagina" is getting old and kind of emarrassing, even for you.
by The Happy Humanist February 13, 2010
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A person who is hated by (99% of) men.

A person who can just sit back and let men on this site disgrace their sex by writing demented and fantastically unintelligent definitions of "the woman".

Here some pearls of wisdom written by men about women on (and they repeat it over and over again because they are really clever lads):

"Useless stuff around a vagina"
"An object - not unlike a toaster"
"Inferior lesser sex"
"Cunt who deserves to be slammed and beaten"
"Superficial illogical stupid money-grabbing creature of hate"
"Satan's work to torture innocent perfect men"
"Useful for three things - cooking, cleaning and sucking"
"A woman should be raped and beaten"
"A mobile sperm bank and dishwasher"

To those man-ish things that post shit like that: You are the best arguments for radical feminism and abortion. You prove that misogyny, sexism, male machismo, male stupidity, and misanthropy are real. ETERNAL SHAME on you. Eternal shame, you self-appointed master class.

A question to all women: Why don't you stand up to this? Why do you keep writing positive things about them? How can you live with them and bear their evil spawn when you know that they HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH?
Man hates woman.
by The Happy Humanist February 12, 2010
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