A wonderful wonderful user contributed online encyclopedia that has everything you need to know from info to video games and l33t speak to math and science.
1.) I learned about the history and study of goatse.cx and compiled a 2 page report about it! All thanks to wikipedia!
by w00tmon December 14, 2004
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An encyclopedia made by somebody who knew what the fuck they were doing. It's the "almighty encyclopedia"...for it knows all...even knows what the hell oral sex is.

It also responsible for saving countless students' lives everywhere and giving people great info, like cannabis cultivation.
Wikipedia is replacing book encyclopedias 1 volume at a time.
by gagererhyer November 8, 2006
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A large, online encyclopedia. Since it is publicly edited, do not site it in a paper's bibliography, it does not count as a source. It is, however, a great place to get the background on your subject, and a great place to get links and references to reputable sites.
For my paper on the 1960's, I started at wikipedia and ended up at a reliable site that really helped me out.
by reality is so overrated February 7, 2008
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that site the teachers tell you not to go to, but you do anyway.

a site that anyone can change just for fun and to mess up people's papers
teacher: kids, don't go to wikipedia for this research paper
kids: alright. *they go home & do it anyway*
"hey, josie. i was just on wikipedia, and i made it say that napoleon was a male prositute for some time" (but, i really did)
by your lover karen May 8, 2007
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the most effective way to cheat legally.
Mum: If you're stuck with your assignment, just go to the library and borrow a book to help you!
Phil: Fuck that, I'll just hit up Wikipedia.
by the big j dog June 23, 2007
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noun- the online encyclopedia. Has everything from sausage fest to the Darfur conflict. The word wiki comes from a Hawian word "wiki wiki" which means quick. It is editable by anyone, which makes it slightly unreliable. But arguably the best place to do "research for a paper.

verb- to search for something on said website
Man, wikipedia just saved my grade!

Just wikipedia it.
by faerygirl956 May 31, 2006
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