Man, I came so hard last night but I’m gonna make my girlfriend soaked when I cum tonight.

(This is an example of the cum verb)
by Brisingr000 November 19, 2019
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When used as a verb such as:
"Do the brazilian"
It means to hump something(preferbly a white chick)
really fast and hard.. Similar to a dog humping you're leg
"Yo, should I do the Brazilian(verb) with her??"
"Yea, she's cute"
by a brazilian January 5, 2010
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The act of pressing the "divert" button on a mobile phone in order to avoid talking to someone. Invariably the caller will realise that he or she has been "thumbed", and therefore deliberately rejected. Thumbing is often intended to be a humiliating act, a snub that establishes dominance in a relationship: the caller is the supplicant, and is wholly at the mercy of the person being called.
"I rang to ask about the job and the bastard thumbed me."

"We had a massive row and now she keeps thumbing me."

"Sorry I thumbed you earlier, I was in a really important meeting."
by Nick Angel December 17, 2003
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An attempt to persuade a customer to purchase a more expensive item or to purchase additional items so that the total cost will be higher.
Theater staffs have developed the technique of 'upselling,' or convincing patrons to buy larger sizes of popcorn and drinks for a discount
by Baby Boy April 29, 2005
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1. To ramble incessantly about something.

2. To troll someone with a meme.

3. A more recent replacement for "for the lulz!"

Taken from the early-2010 internet meme of the "Russian Rick Roll".
Trololo (verb)
Example 1:
John: And so I went to the place with the guy and we did the thing and then this other thing happened so we met up with a guy in a place...


Example 2:
John: *Puts pedobear image on /b*

Jack: WTF, noob. Quit trololoing the forum.

John: Trololo!

Example 3:
Jack: Why did you set the maternity ward on fire?

John: Trololo!
by AlexeiThePseudonamer November 19, 2010
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Based on Vice President Dick Cheney's statement to Sen. Leahy, this is defensible school-slang for "go fuck yourself" Can also be used as "go Cheney", in which case one can defend it by claiming to be making a political statement of support.
"Get out of my way" Bob told Sam. "Cheney" was all Sam said in reply.

The policeman told the skateboarders to leave the area. As they rolled away, one yelled over his shoulder "Go Cheney!"
by jengada August 21, 2004
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