A 'ticket' is slang for 1 million dollars. Thus, half a ticket would be worth $500,000. Pretty pricey.
She in da murda biness, got half a ticket on her wriss
by Willnatl May 22, 2014
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I'm going to be in here for a while, we're outta godamn shit tickets
by Dingle Boy August 15, 2003
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Totally rad, minty, dope smooth. anything that is better than something else. Usually refferred to in Mountain biking. You know, Mountain bike slang.
Dude, that bike is ticket.

I'm doing that trail again, its ticket.

That step-up is big, but it's ticket.
by CiRKUiT June 26, 2010
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To be permitted by your girlfriend/spouse to indulge in such activities that are normally banned in her absence.

Activities include visiting a drinking establishment with your mates, going clubbing and generally entertaining yourself in the presence of other males and/or females without being constantly reminded of your social obligations towards her.

In a broader sense, these activities include pretty much everything that is fun and does not revolve around her.

Pink tickets generally tend to apply to evening activities and are always of a fixed duration (usually no longer than a few hours).

The applicant must often state and commit to a pre-agreed expiration time, upon which he must return to her custody.
"I've got a pink ticket tonight. Let's get sloshed."

"John didn't get a pink ticket. I guess it's just us going MILF-hunting tonight."
by Costas Mantratzis October 3, 2007
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word used for $100 bill.
Woody is so choice, he handed me a fun ticket before the game last night.
by Bryan Stenny May 10, 2006
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–noun: Used by couples to go in to the ferns for sexual activities.
After a enjoyable walk in the countryside, Stuart and Fran decided to use their Fern Ticket to round off a great day.
by Shaftusmaximus May 8, 2008
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