A combination of an obese pile of shit, an enraged gamer, and a friendless loser.

A Loser of losers.
Quit acting like such a seed kyle!

Look at those fat seeds playing with their gameboys.
by Koders March 7, 2006
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When you nut so fast you don’t realize what has begun
Blake:yo bro I fucked savannah last night
Oz: are you sure you did seeded in her
9 months later
Blake:dude I’m gonna be a dad
Oz: I told you so
by Big booty boy March 21, 2019
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Some one who can't hold it together in public or around hotties. Usually to hyper to cope with and tells awkward and boring stories about his or her "awesome" life... Downtown Windsor promoters or guidos are seeds.
person A: Yo broski check out my sweet due
person B: Don't be a seed...
by munchit! September 27, 2010
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Another urbanized word for the male genetalia known as "testicles."
Man, that hizzo kicked me right in the seeds.
by Phi Boy April 25, 2003
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Rad. Lit. Groovy. Boss. Sick. Dope. Weed. Cool. Awesome.
Brah — that is SO seed.
by Maxxemer December 25, 2019
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The act of seducing, but not following through, a female one sees as too young for the moment in order to obtain her at a later date as a more mature and attractive individual.

see also: "long-term investment"

special thanks to the source: Hollywood Halk
Yo homes! That chick is way too young for you. Try seeding her now, then slam her when whe turns 18 in a few years.
by Pa Ni C December 22, 2010
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A "Deez Nuts" joke, especially effective when someone is complaining about seeds in their weed.
Patient: WTF there was a seed in that last bag.

Caregiver: A seed? ::grabs crotch:: Well, seed deez nuts.
by bigjimi June 14, 2014
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