Slow of mind, unintelligent, mentally distorted, confused, stupified, numb-in-the-head.
The retarded child ate my plastic spoon.
by Tim XYZ October 27, 2003
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a person who looks up retarded, retard, etc. on the urban dictionary
if you're reading this because u don't know what it means, you are in fact retarded.
by CH4RL3S D4RW1N February 22, 2010
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Think before you say "that's retarded"
by anon 174 September 8, 2011
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When your drive way needs a new coat of tar so you retarded.
Guy1: why cant we walk on your driveway again?

Guy2: cuz we retarded

Guy1: ooo so you put a new coat of tar on it.

Guy2: yup
by Ballzak May 11, 2007
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Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.
by pr_12 March 26, 2004
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so stupid it's embarrassing. can be used to describe something like comedy or a person's bizarre, off-the-wall, eccentric behavior.
I like Family Guy, but sometimes it's humor can get a little retarded.
by Kongamuse May 23, 2012
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