Fort recovery has the hottest boys around and usually they are single. Also, they have a bunch of hoes there so usually the boys don’t fall for them. Finally, the boys are really country there and can’t be city slickers because they practically live in the smallest town in the world. They also love to hunt!
Friend: Where that hot boy from?
You:Fort Recovery!
by Fortrecoveryhoes December 7, 2019
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The process when you forget the password (trigger) you have to login (remember) into your email/username/profile/account (memory), often because you need to either:

1. Recall someone's email/username/profile (remember whom someone is when you're talking to them).

2. Flag their Youtube account (cursing out someone/something you know/remember and hate for whatever reason).

3. Send an important document to someone (getting your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse a gift so that they quit blogging you).
Arthur: Douglas! I need you to Jumpstart my memory!
Doug: ...I don't think a computer game is going to help you remember things!
Arthur: ...Douglas, if life were a cheeseburger, you'd be the pickles: essentially garbage!
Doug: Can we lay off the burger jokes already?!
Arthur: Ok, here's the deal: I have an old phonebook full of names and phone numbers.
Doug: So what's the problem?
Arthur: I can't remember the phone number of the particular John Smith I want to call, because otherwise I'll wind up calling all of them, and going through an awkward conversation with each of them.
Doug: How many John Smith's did you know?
Arthur: One hundred and forty-eight!
Doug: ...I was afraid of this! Deacon warned me this might happen!
Arthur: ...beg your pardon?
Doug: It's like doing password recovery, except it's for your memory!
Arthur: I don't care about this 'memory recovery', we best get a move on! Let's start with something simple, like his favorite shampoo brand: that I do remember about this certain John Smith! It's like playing Monopoly!
Doug: I think you mean Trivial Pursuit.
Arthur: I thought that was Monopoly?
Doug: Monopoly's a board game involving money with an old man on the cover and a Scottish Terrier as one of the game pieces!
Arhur: Oh yes! I remember that game: I hated it, because you either go broke, sent to jail, or find yourself the winner: at the end, you end up with absolutely nothing, except feeling depressed and cheated!
by BaconFTW!!! April 30, 2010
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When a man's penis stays hard after ejaculation, and he is able to continue sex immediately, without recovery. Named due to the standards reputed to be demanded by the adult actress Belladonna.
Wow, your cock is still hard, that's a Belladonna Recovery!
by WantonJezebel August 2, 2011
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the amount of time it takes you to walk normally after using the bathroom
John: What time is it?
Joe: Well for the next hour its recovery time.
by wGGG January 8, 2011
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Sexual gratification obtained as the healing process for a breakup.
When James found out his girlfriend had slept with his best friend, he called his ex over for consoling and recovery coochie.
by D-Moola June 10, 2009
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a good band (
1) Full recovery is a good band.
2) Their drummer is so hot.
by drummer boi November 3, 2003
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