A Moderator who made the right decision in dropping the banhammer while being taped by an angry person.

Not everyone has seen the unedited video, so i suggest you watch it.
"Oh my god, i got banned by a mod called The Pro! I'll post it all over the internet!!!"
by Guardian Of Gaming February 24, 2010
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The Pro is the bro morphed into an older, more determined bro. His qualities are people skills, creativity, and networking, but he no longer uses them to schmooze everyone on campus. Now they are granted positions in the business and frat-banking world by friends of their dads and/or delusional people in HR who actually believe they don't party.

Women are intrigued by what "Pros" do all day. They think their job is the hardest thing in the world but it basically involves making spreadsheets(lists), getting paid to attend happy hours, wearing pretentious Hermes ties, and pretending to know big words like "forecasting" and "derivatives" aka living up their managing director's ass. Really hard.

The Pro still parties and remains hot. There is nothing we'd rather hear on a date than a Pro complaining about career bullshit, like how he has to wake up at 5 am or how amazing he is for securing a coveted slot on his boss' lunch schedule. As he says this, the mind wanders directly to sex $$$.

Pros are ideal for twenty-somethings because they still maintain their aura of cocky bro without actually being one. They get tables at clubs, take business trips to Vegas as VIPs, and can skillfully cut a line.

When allowing guys to flirt with you, look for the Pros. They’re the ones who are hot like Roberto from Bachelorette and are motivated like Bradley Cooper in Limitless after he takes his Adderall NZT. Don’t let yourself be 25 still dating a bro. Pros over bros.
by betcheslovebros January 26, 2012
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A group of girls at a school who sleep with the upperclassmen, are idiots, have STD's, and just flat out whores. Wannabes of 'The Plastics' from Mean Girls. Often get incredibly wasted at parties to make a scene.
Jim: I heard Brittany gave two guys head at that party
Mark: Damn pros
by ConvictedSexOffender April 8, 2009
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1. That which is cool awesome sweet amazing hot great tight nice rad wicked sexy good sick hip fun funny crazy dope pimp chill neat super fantastic radical badass excellent fresh gnarly phat smart wow fly bad kool the shit groovy kewl wurdd sick-nasty krazy.

May be used in conjunction with the word "mad".

Simply put, the sikkest word to use when describing something or someone.
Something krazy, outrageous or just a simple adjective.

2. Slang for a professional athlete or one who is highly skilled.
"Yo, did you see Jose's new truck?"
"Yea man, that thing is mad pro."

"Did you hear about when that kid double flipped off brainards bridge?"
"Yea that was so pro."

"Whoa check out that new chick, she's pro fo sho."

"Ricky Carmichael is a pro motocross racer."

by Miike B February 6, 2008
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