A word that is used because humans just feel that an o needs to go between the n and the i!
Chat log:
Xxx_$wag420_xxX:hey bra!
Iamda1:What you up to?
Xxx_$wag420_xxX:i just watched a TON of MLG compilations!!!! ;)
Xxx_$wag420_xxX:dude ur typing Noice wrong
Iamda1:What do you mean? Noise isn't even a real word!
Xxx_$wag420_xxX:well if u type Noise instead of Nice than peeps will fink your kewl!
Xxx_$wag420_xxX:THE MORE YOU KNOW!
by Retro_Spect October 8, 2017
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Nice; pleasing. Often said in agreement to a compliment, especially if you're an awkward kid with no better response to give. Might've come from Michael Rosen, the chocolate cake dude.
Kid 1: Say, that's a nice pasta roller.
Kid 2: Noice.
by BeeGeeIsItWindy August 19, 2018
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The way aussies use the word nice. Also used to mean awesome. It can also sometimes be used by potheads who try to act cool when you talk to them.
Jake- That girl has a noice rack.
James- Dude, I know.

Sam- I just bought 3 pounds of weed.
Cam- Noice, I can't wait to use it.
by JosePablo December 30, 2011
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A really sarcastic way of describing something that doesn't interest you in the least bit...
Friend: I went to the mall a few days ago and guess who I saw?

You: who?

Friend: insert name of someone you dont like or care about

You: noice bruh noiiiiiice.
by DAPULSE, LLC October 19, 2018
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A slightly playful and informal response to statements your friends might make to politely communicate the scarceness of shit given. It is often a more appropriate response to minor things that does not merit a sincere “nice!”
Example 1:

Your frd: “I just went to see avengers, it’s the best movie everrr”

You: “nice!”

This does not sound sincere. And your friend will likely block you and never talk to you again which might be a good thing in this instance.

Example 2:
Your frd: “I just went to see avengers, it’s the best movie everrr”

You: “noice!”
We can immediate feel the difference here in tone, in this case if you do not probe any further, your friend will likely understand that you do not give a shit and will likely leave you on read but will not block you which in general is a good thing as you can always initiate the blocking.
by Jeff McFakenameington June 3, 2021
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Noice is a meme started by Michael Rosen in the video "Hot Food". It is used as a synonym for "nice".
by slapaknee November 24, 2017
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by Simply nailogical#2 April 20, 2018
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