Birmingham according to Wikipedia is without doubt the second city of the UK - wanabee rival Manchester is a Grim Decaying Mill Town that ranks 9th - how embarassing!

1 London 7,172,091
2 Birmingham 970,892
3 Glasgow 629,501
4 Liverpool 469,017
5 Leeds 443,247
6 Sheffield 439,866
7 Edinburgh 430,082
8 Bristol 420,556
9 Manchester 394,269

Birmingham the second city of the UK - let's all laugh at the poverty stricken grim mill town of Manchester ranked at a lowly 9th!
by Anthony Wilson September 6, 2008
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To fall asleep while receiving oral sex
(This term was coined by a young man who, while incredibly drunk and on vacation, fell asleep while getting a blow job from a girl from Manchester, United Kingdom.)
Justin pulled a Manchester on Stacey. She had to perform a potato peeler to wake him up.
by Raphael (The Disasterbater) December 27, 2008
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What bullshit about the second city - according to Wikipedia Machester is actually the UK's 9th city

1 London 7,172,091
2 Birmingham 970,892
3 Glasgow 629,501
4 Liverpool 469,017
5 Leeds 443,247
6 Sheffield 439,866
7 Edinburgh 430,082
8 Bristol 420,556
9 Manchester 394,269
Manchester a dirty grim mill town.
by Anthony H Wilson August 30, 2008
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Manchester is a city in the North West of England. The place is named from the old British name Mamucium plus ceaster, derived from the old Latin ‘Castra’. Manchester is a metropolitan borough with city status. The city has a population of 437,000 and is situated in the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester which has a population of 2,539,000.1 It is one of England’s core cities and is regarded by some as England’s second city, a title also claimed by Birmingham.2

The name ‘Manchester’ is often used to refer to the entire metropolis, much as ‘London’ is usually used to mean Greater London, but many of the constituent parts of this conurbation are substantial and separate towns (a city in the case of Salford) that retain strong identities. People from Manchester are called Mancunians. Manchester is an interesting place with a very rich history.

Mancunians are real people, not scallys. MAnchester is great!
by Dominic Hunt January 2, 2006
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The crap place i live in, turning like liverpool,cuz of all the crack-head gangs, Gunchester,i hate my life >.<
Guy1:'dude have u been to manchester yet?'
by fgsfdsguy December 31, 2009
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Dirty rapist scum bag plastic faced looking shit head cunts can’t stand them their wankers so stuck up their arse like they English tranny faggot cunts.
In Manchester Their all plastic twats with no balls they think their hard pussies
by English are trannys December 13, 2021
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Cool city in the North West of England.

2 Football (Soccer) Teams.

Loads of Bars and Pubs.

It rains alot.

Its full of Illegal Immigrants, Particularly BP and Pakistani Radical Muslims. Often seen protesting outside Marks and Spencer's on a weekend and generally verbally abusing Jewish and British People.


Muslim, Paki, BP, Rusholme, 9/11, 7/7, Scumbags etc...
Person 1: "Where do you live?"

Person 2: "Manchester"

Person 1: "Cool, Where abouts?"

Person 2: "Rusholme; I'm a Paki; I hate England and all Europeans, I'm just off to burn some flags outside Marks and Spencer coz i'm a cunt."

Person 1: "I agree you are a cunt."
by urban111 November 2, 2006
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