Hey are you a nerd? Do you like a bunch of worthless shit? Do you like a bunch of junk on your desk? So much junk you cant even put what you need on it. Do you like pop culture references on cafe press quality t-shirts? A ninja VS pirate mouse pad! Wow sweet,awesomesauce! Do you like Doctor Who? Who doctor doesn't?! Are you deranged?! Introducing Loot Crate! A service that allows you to get junky stuff every month in your mail! Just imagine every month a loot crate by your house filled with little trinkets..Never stopping! NEVER WILL STOP..Increasing with junk every month! There is no more room in the house! Garbage all over, boxes and packing peanuts no room to spare. We have cheap plastic and you have an obsession! It's only $25 a month and you get a package every single fucking month. Also don't forget to make a shitty unboxing video of you attempting to hide how disappointed you are. Waiting for something you ACTUALLY LIKE!
Youtuber: Whoa bro! Did you see my loot crate unboxing on youtube!

Youtuber's friend: yea bro that stuff was shit
by MaxhasTax July 15, 2015
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the absolute worst fucking thing that games can incorporate. it is "the devil's device". It makes it so that you get useless items 99.9% of the time so you can't progress. you must do microtransactions to get past this shit. basically it make you rage so you can pay the devs money.
Ming: Have you gotten anything good from these loot boxes?

Jonaton: Of course not these are fucking loot boxes you're talking about.
by D0G31337 January 30, 2018
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When a player is so bad at a video game, they are easy loot and kills to other players in the game.
Dude, this guy is so bad he is literally Walking Loot
by minemandemon November 15, 2018
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A player in an MMO game or any game for that matter, that consistently wants any and every item that has even the most miniscule value to him or her.
Prodegy you fucking loot whore, you dont need any of those items.
by Ionsniper December 19, 2005
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referring to something (or someone) that sucks, similar to that's an L
this math class is some fucking loot

man lets take a shortcut, the traffic ahead is some loot
by Mr GameCube May 27, 2019
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The act of purposefully ignoring rules of the road to retain some semblance of power in a usually powerless life in the same sense as looting stores during a riot; e.g. running red lights, ignoring yield signs and general courtesy because of a sense of self-entitlement.
"That person didn't care that he ran that red light. That's some straight up Traffic Looting; trying to get what's his."
by cesareo gracias February 20, 2013
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An mmorpg term referring to a devious being who takes phat l00t that is not rightfully his. They often try to cover up their evil ways by blaming their non existent little brother.
Angry party member: Hey you stole my phat l00t!

Loot ninja: I'm sorry my little brother was playing! It's not my fault!
by Tvet June 11, 2007
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