
1) Past-Tense Verb A term that originated in Port Credit, Mississauga that means to get insulted, or to get chirped.

2) Verb Lipping; To Lip. To insult, or chirp in the present tense.
Stop lipping off before I knock you out.

I cant believe an 8 year old lipped me.

You hurt my feelings when you lip me.
by TheLipper June 11, 2010
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When someone that is inferior to you tries to argue with you.
I ain't ask for Lip from a minimum wage employee
by chiefsosaboy December 13, 2019
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when a damn fool hits a blunt and slobbers all over the thing like a jackass
"yo johnny stop lippen that damn blunt fool"
by nick February 7, 2005
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(Verb)-The act of pulling someone off a couch and drawing and quartering them. Can also be done reverse style, by pushing someone's legs down so hard that their grundle ruptures.

(Noun)-A slightly overweight polish boy with an unnatural talent for playing the piano who's body temperature is about 100 degrees celsius.
"We lipped Lip off the coach and dropped him on his little polish head".
by Mr. Fields April 26, 2005
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Laugh in person. Similar to lol.
Haha, some dude just tripped!
by Lip'd October 30, 2012
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Bob: "Wubu2?"
Fred: "I did lips with my girl."

by Bobffrey July 21, 2010
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