a verse of one of the most legendary songs to ever exist. “I wish i knew you wanted me” - ‘Bad Habit’ by Steve Lacy
“i wish i knew you wanted me”

bro what?
the fuck you mean “what” do you even listen to lacy?
by breadbreadbreadhead July 20, 2022
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1. When someone says an inuendo/or offensive term before they realise.....
2. Being naive
3. A sexual reference
4. Saying before you speak...
"That Holli is as big as a house! uh oh that was out-before-I-knew-it....and so was she..."
by Aislin Bonney January 29, 2010
You know what’s up , prior to doing or getting something
Jason knew what it was hitting for before he left group.

Kita knew what it was hitting for when she bought the dress
by Momma 🤍 October 5, 2023
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Term stated to a woman who’s oblivious to what her significant other is doing behind her back
1. If she only knew that Arturo has another family, and he’s been cheating since his bachelors party.
2. Arturo tried to get up with me last night knowing he has a wife that don’t play game. If she only knew.
by 1982STB May 19, 2023
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A knew is a cross between a pew and a knee. It can be used if a cat uses your knee as a pew.
My cat loves to sit on a knew.
by lizziebbad August 20, 2023
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It's a special type of seat which is shaped like a knee but also resembles a pew.
My cat likes to sit on a knew.
by lizziebbad August 20, 2023
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The screaming lies of a white woman while she becomes unhinged
You faaawwwkking knew I wanted your indigenous dipstick to myself
by Life_of_rere93_ March 18, 2022
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