When my belly starts a-rumbling
And I'm jonesing for a treat
I close my eyes for a big surprise
The tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch
by Narkano April 16, 2005
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Yo maaaaan, I'm jonesin' for some skank shwag so let's hit dat shit yo!
by Jones May 6, 2003
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To be absolutly drunk to the point where you can't lift your head out of your own pile of vomit.
Dude that kids not silly happy or bonkers that kid is fucking JONESED.
by Jizinmypants420 July 28, 2010
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(1) joking, just kidding, etc.

(2) having a strong need, want or desire for. usually connected with drugs, especially marijuana
man, i was just jonesin', i didn't mean it

i'm jonesin' for a fix right about now
by kay December 11, 2003
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to like in an affectionate/romantic way.
keeping up with the jones'.
you want something in order to keep up.
man...that girl is totally jonesing for me.
by T-fan August 19, 2008
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to like in an affectionate/romantic way.
keeping up with the jones'.
you want something in order to keep up.
man...that girl is totally jonesing for me.
by T-fan August 19, 2008
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A nickname for a dystopian psychopath who appears to offer utopia to lost and searching people.
That guy offering you a free ticket into Shangri La is a malignant jim joneser who will be serving you Kool Aid in no time.
by Dr Bunnygirl January 4, 2019
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