1-The sound created by Santa Claus when he breaths in and out.

2-A term used for a woman of less than perfect moral fiber... alot less
1- Ho .... Ho .... Ho ....
HO,HO,HO,HO,HO This sprint is Ho killing HO Me

2 - (As in the song) Who let these "women of less than perfect moral fiber" in my room. *Sidenote say the quotationed part REALLY fast
by Cowboy December 1, 2004
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Shorty, I been watchin' you, watching me.
Now tell me what you like more, my watch or me?
by boom boom b July 24, 2004
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Willy taker / takes the dick /likes the cock
That bitch is a willy taken jasper lover
by no soup for you May 19, 2003
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From the word whore; how the word sounds when used by people who have trouble with the letter R at the end of a word (examples: sure, "sho"; more, "mo"; for, "fo").
"That girl is such a ho."

"If you're going to use sexist names, could you at least pronounce them correctly?"
by Gahmuret July 22, 2006
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a person that works for a pimp.
a female that sucks dick.
a slut,hooker,and tramp.
by Eat My Pussy July 14, 2004
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Regional. Hawaii. Pidgin English.

1. interj. An exclamation. Wow.
Ho brah, dat chick wen spahk me!
by theunknowngl October 16, 2004
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Someone who is a prostitute, with a saggy vagina. They are owned by a pimp.
Do you see the pimp, heidi.?

Yeah she's with her ho, oscar.

by ladycock May 25, 2009
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