Similar to the words, falcon, or dome piece, head is a term used to refer to someone. It is a stand-in for other inferior words such as 'bro' or 'dude.' You can call someone a 'head' in direct conversation or refer to someone as a 'head.' Like, someone can say that there are mad heads at this ripper, or like, head, lets booze.
JM: Yo head, lets get grab that 30 rack and kill those in my room piece.
Jack: Nahhh, falcon, lets booze those on the bleachers.
by J Wall May 4, 2007
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(noun) someone addicted to or extremely into something
Shaun in always buying mixed tapes and CD's, he is such a head.
by Jovan King March 29, 2006
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Blowjob. Getting head does not equate to the process of teabagging
He got head. He didn't get teabagged
by Anonymous October 17, 2002
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i knew cort was a head, but does he really do coke too?
by minghi May 23, 2003
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Head refers to another buddy, or even oneself. Can even mean jubilation as in Heeeeeeeeeead.
So what did head bowl today?

Heads feeling annoyed right now.

Look, heads tryin to score with that chic over there. I wonder if he'll be successful.

by F.O.O.C.H March 18, 2007
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a friendly gesture that consists of a pal laying their head on ones shoulder
joe: i need some head
sally: ok! *lays head on shoulder(
by themysticuni November 5, 2019
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He gave me head.
by Bill Colbert June 17, 2017
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