people who like to ruin everything that is fun in our country
by Anonymous December 6, 2002
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Currently, a body of people charged with the administration of a given society, who may claim to be official and legitimate—and who think they take action in the public interest—but who are, in fact, not genuinely official, as they hold office at the whim of public mood; certainly not legitimate, as they authorize action contrary to life and the laws of nature; and generally not public-spirited, as they frequently ignore the concept of the common good in their deliberations.
The chief executive of the US federal government lied to US citizens and the world to start a war for the interests of a certain few business entities and perhaps his own low self-esteem, and with the complicity of the US Congress, systematically murdered many thousands of people in the pursuit of freedom and democracy for those people and brought international disrespect toward his own nation, and promulgated more violence in an already troubled world.
by Pyotr August 8, 2006
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referring to one's governmentally acknowledged name; the name that appears on one's birth certificate, social security care, and any other governmentally issued identification items and paperwork.
My government is Eldridge, but everybody calls me "Ridgly."
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1. to create to illusion of freedom and liberty for all citizens; when in reality the government (U.S.) gives a few control over the entire civilized Earth, while the rest are slaves, whether you realize it or not.

2. Control
the Media
popular culture/consumer culture
"white America's fear of the black man"(Bowling For Columbine, Moore)
Source: Mark, Sep 10, 2003

Wow that was actually a GOOD definitiona until you had to go and mention Michel Moore.Why'd ya have to go and gay it up for?
by me April 7, 2005
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The way it acts is proof that God really doesn't exist after all.
by AYB May 1, 2003
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Coneiving bunch of jackasses that are sheltered but less than us. They only know a particular part of the real world. I can only imagine how messed up someone would be, if they actually knew everything there was to know.
Knowing part of the government one is still sheltered
by Me August 6, 2003
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A stupid system invented by stupid people for stupid people run by stupid people voted into office by even stupider people.
Government is stupid, but a necessary evil to maintain civility and order.
by April 10, 2008
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