She wanted it so bad i had to, but dont tell anyone, she was a goofis

Yeah bro i finally got laid for the first time,oh yeah but no high five, she was a goofis.
by james-E June 13, 2011
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Goofy a word create by 4k Blasian.
by 4k Blasian December 15, 2019
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A forward protruding slobber chopper walrus imitating fuckinoid , bred from a gene puddle with horizontal gaminess to increase the overall airflow through their derelict tombstone minefield of misshapen hole that is loosely describe as a mouth ... armed with a stupid laugh as their tongue forlornly wrestles their monster slabs that inhabit their face ...
look at that ugly, stupid goofy twat ... why did I marry her ?
by flash gordon ramsey July 4, 2018
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𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘺 𝘢𝘩𝘩 (Goo-Fee, AAaa) is commonly seen commented on tiktok or other social media when someone posts or comments something that is cringey or dumb. Stems from aave or Ebonics.

The term is a play on saying “Goofy a$$” in a “ghetto” way but a lot of young folk on the internet don’t realize this and think it is literally “ahhh” as in the noise.
Person A: I think Juice is the greatest rapper of all time

Person B: you’re a goofy ahh motherf*cker 💀
by curedoesnotexist March 23, 2022
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An outsider that is too awkward to introduce themselves, but is obviously intrigued and won't stop studying your every move from a safe distance. They are usually unaware that you are aware.
Every so often I look over the balcony and see the same goofy sleuth peeping up at the party.
by gis_in_my October 10, 2016
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1.) When somebody looking hella stupid tryna roast
2.) That one dude in every school who looks like a cartoon
3.) When somebody does something stupid and looks slow
Tajuan goofy ass had me fucked up tryna call somebody else fat with his musty, crusty, Oompa Loompa looking ass!

Aye yall know Darius Jones? That nigga look like a straight Shrek character with his goofy ass!

That was funny as hell when Shaniqua was tryna switch and her booty was stuff as hell! Her goofy ass!
by LuhHubb September 18, 2018
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