Douchey saying people throw at the end of online posts when they think their audience is waiting on pins and needles for their next order.
I need a recommendation for a replacement for Summer’s Eve….. and go.
by Wagawah June 30, 2021
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Term used by lazy douche bags at the end of a post in group, usually because they’re too lazy to look shit up for themselves.
Cauliflower soup recipes? ...and go
by TeamCook July 10, 2018
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Girls that are ready to do anything; living for the thrill of the moment whether it's sex, or drugs
All those hoes are on go, they said they're ready to drink and fuck
by Captain long money July 5, 2017
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someone who has and will have sex with everybody and anybody
i wouldnt fuck her she goin'. she fuck my nigga.
by Sky April 1, 2005
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What english people say for "yes, please"
person 1 (australian), "dywanna cuppa?"
person 2 (english), "go on then"
by manyray August 9, 2005
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"Go With It..." Meaning to go with the flow and just run with it. Make to your own liking with how you take it in, as your definition for your own understanding of the quote. P.S. not a comical quote as you might read in other meanings quoted by Richard Simmons. This is my quote and definition. "Just do it" by Nike is not the same quote. This definition is by Arelis E.
Let yourself go with it, when on a date that seems to have an unpredictable ending. By Arelis E.
by A@E March 14, 2017
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