A receptacle for a male jack, plug or any type of connector.

A USB/1394/eSATA Port is a female receptacle for a male USB/1394/eSATA Device
I plugged my external Thunderbolt based storage device into the female Thunderbolt port on my Motherboard's I/O panel.
by darksparten January 26, 2013
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Iron man. (Seriously how does iron turn into Fe?)
Person 2: A woman?
Person 1: *Starts choking Person2 for misgendering Iron Man*
by KelTheMaster September 30, 2021
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The opposite of a regular human, which is often referred to as "The Female"
"The Female" is the very thing that's made everyone homophobic, because without them gay sex would be natural.
Brad: "Dude, did you see The Female over there?"
Jeremy: "Yeah, they're the reason we didn't truly develop!"
by IMightBeMockingMyFriends December 11, 2020
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The superior gender. While men have rancid body odor, disgusting oily and dry skin, a yucky square frame, bald or near-bald hair 9/10, often jerkish personalities, terrible fashion options, and a disgusting pulsating snake between their legs they call a "penis," women have perfect and appealing curvy bodies, big bouncy boobs, butts, and thighs for resting and caressing, a staggering amount of beautiful clothing options, silky smooth skin and hair, cute kissable faces without a trace of ugly body hair, and a cute little slit between their legs perfect for sticking things into for maximum pleasure that doesn't get in the way all the time. Women are also naturally smarter, more energetic, flexible, and endurant, more graceful and refined, more socially aware, more kind and caring, and are just overall superior in every way, shape, and form. It's unreal how men were the dominant gender for so long, considering how completely inferior they are to the perfection that is the female form.
-A Man
"Female humans are far superior to make humans in every way. And this is coming from a dude. (Not an incel)"
by KrimsonKatt January 25, 2022
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Gods most beautiful yet disasterous creation. A human with (XX) chromosomes.

Characteristics include emotional instability, insecurity, impulsivity, illogical, submissive, incongruent thoughts & actions & co-dependence.
Man, I stopped dating my last female because she was bat shit crazy! She was always accusing me of cheating when I wasn’t, bitching at me when I left the house to play a round of golf, and told me she loved me inside the first month of knowing each other!

Yep, females man.

That female shouted “equal rights” as she attacked the man, yet cried assault when he defended himself in smacking the fuck out of her.

Yeah man, perfect example of how females are illogical & impulsive.
by Spanishlove October 30, 2019
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