Michael Jackson's go-to synonym for the bodily brown that all humans produce, DooDoo Feces is a lighter, more casual take on the notorious Number Two - a shitty substitution for any situation.
Dad: "I yanked my denims off, and there they were, speckled on my thighs-"
Son: "What was there?"
Dad: "Well, Son, it was none other than your dear old Dad's DooDoo Feces."

Guy 1: "Hey broh, wanna go out and tame some strange?"
Guy 2: "Yeah man, lemme just quick spray some DooDoo Feces."
by StrangerInDanger March 20, 2018
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On the bob and tom radio show whenever a news story involves shit in some way they honk the feces horn
There was a story in the news about a woman who fell from the upstairs balcony of her apartment, as luck would have it a maintenance crew was working on the septic tank so she landed in a pile of raw sewage which broke her fall and she was not injured. (Bob and Tom honk the feces horn)
by Michael_Hunt August 24, 2008
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The bottom 2% of your peanut butter cup that invariably sticks to the inside wrapper.
I had to lick the Reese's feces off my wrapper to be fully satisfied.
by The original Greebs October 30, 2015
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Bill, you griznoid, would you like to go to Barfy's, Hardon's, Taco Smell, Jackoff in the Box, a barf-n-puke joint, Shoplift 'N' Go, KWIK-RIP, Pizza Slut, or Feces Pizza to eat tonight?
by andy1 December 10, 2006
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A fancy replacement for the word "bullshit".
1. Teacher: Jimmy, you have a detention for standing up.
Jimmy: Bovine feces!
by ShinyTrees April 28, 2014
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When you shoot a bullet up the anus of a unsuspected victim, and the contents of the colon blow out of the top of the head.
Trevor aimed a rifle up Arturo's butthole causing poop to fly out of his head, concluding to a feces blowhole.
by Arturo and Trevor January 1, 2013
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Person1: *does a kickflip*
Person2: Holy feces! That was sick
by SkidderBop November 18, 2017
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