an annotation added to the end of a text, report, book or a movie so that Americans as well can understand that the subject text, report, book, etc. is finished and do not keep staring at the screen or pages for hours.
This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes, again
by OrtaParmak April 21, 2018
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The end is a world in Minecraft block game made by notch but purchased by Microsoft The End is entered by a portal in a thing called “Strong Hold” you find it by eyes of Enders and use the eyes of ender to enter it too The End, The End is how you beat Minecraft/The Game the end has End City’s, The Ender a Dragon (Kill to beat the end) and a lot of EnderMen.
Hey bro wanna go to The End / TheEnd, Yeah sure ima just enchant my armor first.
by Α September 18, 2021
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The final chapter of a series or story.
The top/bottom of something.
The finish.
"Your dick has no end."

"Your mouth has no end. Shut the hell up."
by Bastardized Bottomburp March 17, 2003
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A miss spelling of the closing statement The End. Meant to be used as an exclamation.

by MaxFlo November 1, 2006
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To end oneself, or to be ended. To have an acident, or meet with a misfortunate incident resulting in injury or serious bodily harm.
"Shit man,he's a toser, I'm going to end him"- "Gosh, I do find that gentleman over there rather unpleasant, I think I shall have to resort to violence"
by Kate June 11, 2003
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A way to settle an argument by which you come out as the victor. Allowing your verbal sparring partner to realise that no matter what they think, you are actually not bothered. You are right, they need to stop talking. It's over. They've lost. Why go on?
"Smoking Soverigns mare you look cool"

"You are retared. Marlborough Light Menthols are clearly where it's at. They're all white, and go with my iPod"

"But Soverigns are cheaper"

"And they taste like shit. The End."
by Matthew McSherry October 2, 2004
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