To reserve one's possessions for sale on the popular auction site eBay.
I'm gonna ebay all that stuff in the corner a little later this month. Help pay the rent.
by Orderbringer August 30, 2005
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Abbreviation for "Engineering Bay" in Starcraft.
Early expo is weird I would make an early ebay drop gols and 2 scvs o­n cliff turret seige it make his expo a waste of 400 minerals
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Slang for ecstacy. Used when you don't want people to know you are talking about E.
Let's all go do some ebay and party it up.
by lostgirl June 3, 2005
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An place where you pay money to list the crap you want to sell and no one will buy it.
I just spent $20 listing my crap on ebay and I sold not one thing. At least with a newspaper I can actually find my listing where someone might see it!
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The place where sad, bored housewives go to pass the day instead of doing their house work.
I'm too nice to be rude.
by The Geezer July 23, 2003
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A mythical place of great magical power.
Stay away from my blades. In fact, don't touch any of my weapons without my permission." said Jace.

Well, there goes my plan for selling them all on eBay," Clary muttered.

"Selling them on what?"

Clary smiled blandly at him. "A mythical place of great magical power
by Lbmarch December 13, 2009
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The act of being royally fucked, either through excessive charges or unfair practices. Derived from the process of listing an item on the auction site, eBay, wherein you are required to pay a listing fee, a percentage of the final valuation, and then charged for using the eBay owned site, Paypal as a mandatory payment facility; resulting in you wishing you hadn't bothered listing the fucking item in the first place.
"I've just recieved my paycheck and I'm £200 short. I've been fucking eBayed!"

"Electronic Arts have eBayed us; they've only sold us 80% of the game, the rest is downloadable content we have to pay for..."
by Madnas March 31, 2012
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