A girl that wants to be with you because of your status, or because you have a big dick or a nice car and lots of money. Some girls will bop for drugs.
Man this bopper sucked my dick cause I had on the new J's
by Big6 December 5, 2005
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To jock or steal or copy
Cain: i got the new phone the behold like you
Stefany: You Fucking Bopper Always Boppin' my shit
Cain: I aint no bopper
Cain: I bopped it from my cousin
by Cainstuhh; March 21, 2009
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Female that car hop and only wants you for your money.
Girl he ugly but look at that car and platium grill, I think I want to holla!
by melissa September 15, 2003
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Someone who hangs with you alot,mainly for attention or what you have.In most cases,money.
That hoe be around him all the damn time.Skeeza..such a Bopper
by Shane Polo March 16, 2008
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A female who promiscuously and habitually creeps on a select social group, choosing and taking home a different member of the group for sexual activity every night. Known to chose a male each night and latch on to this "chosen one" until culmination in sexual intercourse. At first meeting, will seem innocent, but after a night of "bopping" her true identity as a life sucker is well known to her victims.
Dude, so I see that (insert name here) is with the Bopper tonight... I thought he was better than that, desperate times...
by OU Bopper March 9, 2008
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Used to reference a good, groovy song of which crowds would bop to. Extension of the word bop.
This new Tom Misch record is such a bopper
by moonman77 June 28, 2017
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Signs of a bopper:

1. Socks tucked under tongue of shoes
2. Wearing a backpack when going out, when there is NOTHING or almost nothing in it
3. Uses rubberbands on the bottom of pant legs/ ties one or both pant legs at mid-calf
4. Listens to the exact same (crappy) music that everyone else in their crew listens to; i.e. Yellowcard, N sync, Britney Spears, Nelly, 50 Cent, Jay-Z, etc
5. Watches MTV 24/7
6. Follows ANY new trend (fold out Converses,
7. Goes to malls multiple times a week
8. Pastes pictures of boy band members or pop artists all over walls, sometimes completely covering them
9. Females only Wears excessive amounts of pink
10. Males only Dye your hair different colors every month

Applicable to male/female teenagers, and even 20-year olds.
Damn that girl Melissa be a bopper, I ain't touchin' that. Jay said she watches MTV all day and told him to stuff his Chucks and tie rubberbands on his pants. Shits disgusting.
by Plead The Fifth January 7, 2005
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