n. - basically an epic fuckin party, do whatever the hell you want to, no rules, can only be described as awesome
"You comin to my awesome this weekend?"

"Yea sure, what we doin?"

"Ahhh, ya know, gettin wasted, deer huntin, extreme bingo, runnin from the po-po, usual shit man."
by dsiafnos October 29, 2008
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those five cool bitches, the group of friends everyone wants in on
Omg, look at those awesomes! I totally wish they'd let me into their cool crowd
by RNM October 25, 2012
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Something so attractive that you can't help but comment 'awesome'.

Synonyms- twitterpating. beautiful, adorable, cute. lovely, sweet, bomb-diggity, sexy-biatch
ClaraLutzStivers is awesome!
by dagkam October 21, 2009
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You say this a lot when you are either high or American.

This word means that something is the shit.
Guy 2: Dude he just had a stroke.
by Senpai Cat March 25, 2015
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Most amazing, awesome, spectacular name in history. In pig Latin it means 'swag to the max' it also means 'dem titties tho'. Overall it is the most awesemazing word in the whole wide world.
"That person is so bleackley." Or "man those bleackleys are nice"." those bleackleys are awesome."
by Nob gobbler May 11, 2014
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someone who takes your breath away whether out of envy or pity or amazement.
That dude with the 4' beard is AWESOME!

Chris Hicks, the guy that loves taking me to his car to show me a bunch of bands he likes to listen to on his CD player, is awesome.
by AmericanWayne December 8, 2009
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a being of utter awesomeness due to the fact that she is No1 on the top 10 list of awesome objects. no one questions her authority or her ability to perform her duties as queen.
Person1: Oh wow man thats Sar!!!
Person2: OMFg man isnt she like so awesome!?!?
Person1: Yea man, apparantly she is like No1...... she beat dracula man!!
Brad: feck me.... shes awesome
by Brad;-) June 24, 2005
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