when you smack someones paper or pencil off their desk. also used when sneakily shutting off a chromebook. Could be reffered to as "SWAT TEAM."
"YEET", they say as the slap pencils off the desk.
by Brahtata September 30, 2014
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to throw an object at a random time and place with the intention to hit someone in the face with said object at a very high speed
so you see a person standing in a subway

they look your way with a chair in hand
they start to lift the chair higher in the air
they throw the chair
"YEET" they said
it comes zooming towards you at a high speed
it hits you in the face
the end
thanks for listening to my ted talk
it hits you
by TheFurryOfTheFam November 9, 2020
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Usually used by alex's while tossing a granade in video games with there friends or just throwing something in general in real life or in a game
Alex proceeded to yeet the bottle into the bin
by Someirishlad July 13, 2020
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"To throw" or "Im boutta yeet yo ass" could mean hes gonna either eat your ass or beat yo ass. eitherway RUN!
Im gonna yeet this squirrel off a fucking tree. Or. im gonna yeet yo ass back to the womb mothafucka
by ass eating baby 445 June 23, 2020
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Yeet is something of a multitool in the word spectrum. It can be used in place of many words, and/or be used as an exclaimation. It can also be used in place of "Yes."

Yeet can be changed into different tenses to indicate future or past uses, such as Yote or Yought. If you really wanted to, you could use yeeted for the past tense, though it is the improper way of saying it.
In context of doing something to a person:
1: Oh no, I have been yote.
2: Yes. In this world, it is yeet or be yeeted.

In context of agreement:
1: Hey bruv, wanna smoke a joint with me?
2: Yeet!

In context of exclaimation:
*2 slaps 1*
2: YEET!!
by Glennicus December 21, 2018
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Chucking something in the air and screaming “yeet!”
Jeff yeet that soda can into the trash
by Yourreadingthisfornoreason21:) November 26, 2020
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When you just fricking toss something so hard and so far that it almost hits something or someone
by Tenacious D fan December 4, 2019
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