"Yanked", or "Yanking" is a reference made to an action taken with great effort that does not actually benefit the person or people directly performing the action. It is a reference to how americans are frequently and unjustly blamed for actions their government makes them perform, actions which do not benefit americans but in fact primarily are of benefit to more powerful non-national global organizations.
All the work, all the blame, none of the loot! You've been Yanked!
by catbyte August 25, 2012
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1. a person from or living in the United States, a US

2. to vicimize or harass someone
Just because I am a yank does not mean I am fat, stupid or any other of those stupid generalizations about us.
by The Return of Light Joker October 26, 2007
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what the british, australians, new zealander, etc. call americans.

the yanks really are a diverse lot. some are smart, some are dumb. some are hot, some are fat (where i live, the fat ones are mostly mexican). they tend to be ridiculed by the world because of the poor excuse of a president they had to deal with from 2000-2008 and the fiasco of a war he started.
i moved to san diego from cairns 7 years ago, and i must say, the yanks aren't as bad as we all think and say. most of them are quite friendly, and intelligent, with a touch of "american pride" that i find quite comical. and believe it or not, they do use the metric system, and about 90% of them hate bush.
by AuSSiE BuGGaZZ January 13, 2010
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An American. A person from America, originally a colony created by England set up on land they stole from the native Americans.
The Nazis are bombing London, Mr. Churchill! Where are those yanks when you need them?
by Christopher LaRock July 27, 2003
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Being extremely high i.e not being able to even remember your name
Friend "Yo Nigga I was mad yanked last night

Me "word my nigga"
by This bitch ^ January 14, 2012
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Me. I don't mind being called a Yank, since us Yankees winning the American Civil War and keeping the country together (no thanks to the British) is part of my family's heritage. Thanks for reminding me. I don't particularly mind being called fat and stupid either, because I'm not. So go right ahead. I get my news on the internet from various sources, making sure to check the left and the right, and I don't watch TV, so go ahead and call me ignorant or brainwashed or whatever. Oh, I'm racist redneck, too. So racist that my best friend is asian american and another of my close friends is from Singapore. I guess I am a bit of a redneck, though, I like to fix my own car when I can and generally be self-reliant.

I'm an American and I love my country. If you can accept that, I have nothing against you. If not, you can go fuck yourself, because in the end, it just doesn't matter if you hate America. Doesn't matter at all.
America hater: I hate America! You are all a bunch of nationalist bigots!

Me: *shakes head at the irony of it*
by SalientAlien July 3, 2005
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