someone who is AWFUL, or stainful - something that is a stain, or staining - acting like a stain
this dude is staining my life or that exam was stainful or Why is that kid such a stain?
by bieg and court May 8, 2003
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Alice why did you eat all my cheese? You’re such a stain.
by AHarri May 9, 2021
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A cocaine fiend who is constantly up and if not is always looking for drugs.
A person who you can rely on to have/bring cocaine to any social gathering, regardless how big or small.
Guy 1: "Hey look at Josh doing cocaine with that guy he doesn't even know."

Guy 2: "Fucking Stain."
by Savagebrute4 April 5, 2016
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Bob : Now im on your ugly ass
Tim : You tryna stain ?
by IlikeRavoli June 5, 2018
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Some one who is very greasy and resembles a stain inside of one's underwear.

They are sneaky and someone you wouldn't trust or want to touch.
They usually look like they don't shower and smell bad.
"Oh man do you see that kid, he looks so greasy."
"Yeah he definitely is a stain."
by iamnotahore November 27, 2011
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It's Staind not Stained.
Staind is a decent band. Not Stained, that's what you get when you spill something on your shirt.
by Sta as in Staples December 6, 2006
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An insignificant mainstream rock group who tried Intellectual rock but failed miserably.

Unfortunately they also attempted a cover of Tool's song "sober" who's main effect was to make everyone wish they werent.
"stained tried to leg hump Tool but failed to gain an erection quick enough"
by Frank November 2, 2003
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