Hot or sexy, for boys or girls.
DAMNNNNN, she is sliced!
by Molly Wilson April 28, 2007
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The new "burn". Used after an insult to rub it in burn victims face. Usually followed by a slicing motion of the hand.
Guy 1: "You're like an ugly love child of Garey Busy and Jocelyn Wildenstein"

Guy 2: "SLICE!"
by molever October 6, 2008
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An attractive male or female that may or may not have the potential to be a pie
Woah, that guy is a slice.”
“Look at that slice!”
by alyssamilbee May 2, 2019
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A word used to describe a person who is very good looking.
“Omg did u see that fit boy? He was such a slice
by November 20, 2018
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n. (abr.) homeslice; a good friend, buddy, pal
Yo! What's up, slice!?
by KFan II May 19, 2010
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yo dawg, im pretty hungry, lets go to the pizza place, i could use a slice of cheese right about now.
by Stallion April 15, 2004
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