when somethings gone so wrong in so little time you can think of legitiment words for describing it.
jack: oh hey jill whats up?
jill: not much just , oh shit bitch mofo shea bitch!
jack: what happend?
jill: i just fell down the hill!
by kcepylla December 21, 2010
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Describes when someone or something is a severe bitch or pain the ass. It can also be used to express misfortune or anger like damn or fuck, or as a random vulgar adjective that serves no purpose but to add crudeness to a sentence.
"This knee injury is such a shit ass bitch."

"What the shit ass bitch are you doing on Friday night?"

"Awwwww, shit ass bitch!"
by Captain Benjamin April 18, 2007
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Any man or woman who gets pleasure by inhaling piss and shit fumes while have sex in a bathroom or a porter potty.
"Hey man"! That girl is a shit house bitch, into smelling shit while you`re fucking her in the bathroom stall.
by Solid thinker July 11, 2019
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Turning all the lights off in your house and hiding in a bunker like a scared, draft-dodging wimp.
He claimed he was just inspecting the bunker, but we all know he was up to some Bitch Shit.
by afishnamedfish June 4, 2020
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1. Used to describe the actions of another, pertaining to what is commonly associated with being a bitch.

2. Actions or words that would place a person in a state of irritability.

3. Actions taken, or words spoken against another in an attempt to vindicate being a bitch.

4. Of or pertaining to bullshit.
IE. (A = Bitch, B = Victim of Bitch Shit)

A: "Why didn't you call me back last night?"

B: "I was busy."

A: "You are always to busy for me!"

B: "Don't call me with that BITCH SHIT!"


A: "You're late!"

B: "But, I called to let you know I had

an emergency."

A: "Well, don't let it happen again!"

B: "Why do I put up with this BITCH SHIT?"

A: "I can't stand you! I'm going to slash your tires

and bust your headlights!"

B: "You better keep away from me with that BITCH

by Motley_Blu May 29, 2011
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(shit-in-a-bich). Next level in the expletive series of shit. Generally used to express disdain for a person, object or event. Can also be used as a empathetic term or as a term of community (see examples)
I totally forgot that was due today. Shit in a bitch!


Shit in a bitch. that sucks.


a: Lets go to that party tonight!
by Alan Ada December 15, 2007
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When motivated and/or eager to do something, one shouts this to his homies. It is a replacement phrase for "let's do this"
We have to catch this train (plane, car, subway), let's shit on this bitch!
by RRSJ507 May 3, 2009
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