Ryan's are known for their crazy, funny, outgoing personalities. They are very sweet and cute and always make you smile. Ryan's are very likable people. With their shiny black hair and sweet asian eyes, it is not possible to dislike a Ryan. They attract girls like bees to honey. They may come across as players but when they find their special girl they stay true. They like to have fun and are very flirtacious. Sometimes they can be very confusing and can send mix messages. Ryan's tend to be very good kissers and give the best hugs in the world. If you ever meet a Ryan makefriends with them and keep them close because if you ever lose a ryan you will never be able to forgive yourself.
"whos that smexy beast with all those girls all over him?"

"oh thats soo ryan"

"i wish i was ryan"
by 1Dgirlies May 26, 2012
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Stubborn and competitive always wants to get his way has a lot to say and will always tell the truth. Knows what he wants but not always how to get it. He can't help how he feels and can be too complient. Sometimes people wish he would just go after what he wants.
Wow I love Ryan
by cute and stubburn March 23, 2010
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A guy who will try his hardest to be there for a girl they love. He try's his hardest to keep a girl happy and makes mistakes like everyone else, in relationships. He has a smile that rocks a girls world. His eyes are bright and beautiful and can see what your feeling just by looking into your eyes. He is usually an athletic person, and has a slightly big build. He has a low self-esteem when he talks to a girl he likes, also he will get sweaty palms when he talks to a girl he likes. He is overall a person that any girl could ask for.
The name Ryan means little king.
by UrbanDictionaryKing12345 April 24, 2017
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Someone who is sweet and welcoming. He is really funny, and silly, so has a good sense of humor. Likes to joke around. Also has nice eyes.
by Anonymous, Urban Dictionary January 8, 2012
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Ryan is a common name that originated from Ireland and means "Little King". When you first look at a Ryan, you don't know what to expect. They're easy to approach and not shy at all. When I first met my Ryan, I made the mistake of not getting to know him. Don't worry if you have made the same mistake, because it's never too late with them. With a wonderful sense of humor, calming voice, and easy to talk to attitude, nobody is ever dissatisfied with a Ryan. A Ryan knows a good person when he meets them, and even though he cares for a lot of people, he will only let special people get to know him. I was special enough, and a Ryan let me in. I have never had somebody who shows their love for me like a Ryan does. Ryan makes me feel like I'm more than just a person on this planet. He's super sweet and adorable. They are always willing to talk, and without Ryan's warm comforting presence I'd be lost. Go find yourself a Ryan. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but no matter the package, they will always make you happy. <3
I love you Ryan, :3
by mycyanidegirl December 24, 2010
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Cooler kid than daniel, has big pp, also is MVP++ Cool kid. (daniel is furry)
Ryan is cooler than daniel xdddd lmao gg ez.
by daniel is big furry October 29, 2020
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AMAZING in bed, great personality, very easy to get along with although difficult at times, honestly the best lover there is, it just doesn't get better than a Ryan.
You don't know what sex is until you have met Ryan.
by Melly14 October 19, 2010
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