daniel: "is liana your girlfriend?"
austin: "not really"
**he and her have been exclusive for over 5 months**
by jackandcoke94 November 6, 2018
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When something just doesn't go your way.
seyna: I whiffed a whole mag, i'm so ass.
vserov: unlucky really.
by seyeye August 27, 2021
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really nigga is a phrase used when someone says something dumb or obvious
nick: aye what's Obama last name again?
James: really nigga ?
by like...reallybruh March 5, 2015
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Action- 300BC Roman history - It is what the slave males would say to the governor's daughter when they wanted escape and be with her...

Verb- 1800 Sera Western USA

frontier cow hands would say this when they found the perfect woman on the prairie that had wide hips and could bare dozens of children...

USA Slang Current.... When the guys finds that woman of a lifetime, falls head over heals for her and cant say the 4 letter word because it might jinx it. This usually ends in 3 more "Really's" being added to the sentence before that perfect woman will say that 4 letter word to the said say'er of Really Really Really Like you...... and they live happy for 47 years before one gets hit by a hover truck.... (yes they have hover trucks in the future) ....
by Ammodog the Original March 10, 2014
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A expression that is use when someone is hurting you or used when you’re really bored and someone not talking to you , also when someone does Absolutely nothing to you, use freely ;) .
Samatha: -Eats Chips-
John: -Walks in-
John: Can i have some?
Samatha: “That Really Hurts”
by derandomgirl October 11, 2020
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"Oh my God he is diying call 911" the guy calling says "what's the number" Really Nigga whats the number
by ShootEmUp4Dayz December 15, 2015
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