Unconventional, surprising, odd.

A word often used by narcissistic scenesters when they describe their oh-so-unique selves in their Livejournal user info pages in attempts to sound like interesting people.

It is a word best used by one person to describe another. Those who apply "quirky" to themselves thereby call into question their very own "quirkiness" by seeming gleefully self-aware (just like everyone else).
LJ Bio: I am: Quirky. A Poet. A Photographer. Talented. Incredibly interesting. & Better than you. Add me!
by Ottilia August 14, 2005
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these people (normally girls) aren't like other girls. They might be your average white girl but like scrunchies and call them selves quirky for that but then we have the hipsters. Unlike the self proclaimed quirky hipsters don't use the word quirky as much but definitely are. They will be decked out in weird or special clothes from the thrift store.
i'm actual so quirky i don't drink coffee and i love queen

i think we should recycle our clothes thats why i shop at good will also there loads of quirky things there
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Used to define someone who was different but in a good/cool way. But it is now used as an insult to describe someone who is in desperate need of attention to the point they intentionally do abnormal things. Such as scene kids and hipsters.
Zooey Deschanel pretends to be quirky.
by kalby_dik November 15, 2013
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wierd; apart in your own way
My friend thinks I'm quirky because I do wierd things.
by WEEGEEBOOS November 2, 2015
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"Quirky" means "having a peculiarity" or "having or showing a tendancy to suddenly twist and turn."
by Urban Dictionary September 29, 2003
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Something that is cool but is not said to be cool because that would be uncool and to call yourself uncool would also be uncool but being uncool in a cool way would be quirky
Shaun is not funny therefore his gay friends think he is unique and quirky. But he is not. This is an example of not being quirky, a quirky wannabe if you like.

Opposite this and you will find quirky.
by Cook September 30, 2005
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a derogatory/insensitive term for someone who is bisexual. Symptoms of quirkiness is hair clips, mom jeans, dyed hair, and people who listen to Rex Orange County or Ariana Grande
Did you see Anna’s hair clips? She’s quirky as a turkey!
by chonkydyke March 4, 2019
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