1. Not tainted by negative experince

2.No life experince

3. 100%
1&2: She is so pure; she has no idea what sex is.

3: 100% florida Orange Juice!
by Cait Sith Cat December 9, 2002
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pure form of ecstacy. not cut with anuthing, usually in a capsule
"got any e?, are they pures?"
by jilldo December 28, 2004
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An intensifier in Scottish slang.
Pure dead brilliant!
She's a pure shag, man!
by Iain January 10, 2005
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To be purely fucked up is to be FUCKED UP.
Fuck. I'm Purely
I'm Purely
by The Gumshoe May 26, 2009
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1)Chemestry word meaning totally or completely
2)100% with no addictives or preservatives
3)Used in west Scotland as an exaguration word or in east Scotland wrongly by people who want to be from Glasgow
1)Pure gold
2)Pure apple juice
3)"Aye you're pure bein a bam. I'm pure ragin'"
by random bulldog August 3, 2004
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Used in Carpinteria , CA circa late 80's/early 90's. Possibly still in use.
Meaning something is lame, or boring.
Probably from an insult to something being
virginal, or not rebellious.
Can be dragged out in a stoned stupor as
"Dude, that movie was pure".

Dude #1:"This weed is bunk".
Dude #2 "Puuuaaarrr"!
by shoalbait August 29, 2010
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