A place you go in straight but come out gay.

A place where you go in having a bitch but coming out being a bitch.

The only place where a former tough guy becomes big Bubba’s bitch.
Prison is not a nice place to be.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com March 31, 2008
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Leroy: " Damn man I took that fish's prisonity in two seconds flat!"
Tom : Yeah and he bled for a week!"
by Nielskin May 18, 2007
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Adjective describing something prison-like in nature or appearance; cold and unfeeling; devoid of any form of freedom.
Both oppressive and omnipotent, the new government controlled its populace with almost prisonic efficiency.
by Capn Dinner April 26, 2010
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a habitual criminal who keeps returning to prision as if it is the "mickey mouse" club.
Ralph has been back in the joint so many times we call him a "prisoneer".
Ralph is back in jail after being caught on camera again...he is such a prisoneer.
by wordsrme May 27, 2009
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"-ew no not that prisoner pls. stream rain on me"
by tudorcretu June 10, 2020
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it think you did the wrong word you mean school right
by beavertale June 2, 2021
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