Pedestrian use button placed at traffic lights so that mere citizens are deluded that they actually have some sort of control over the sequence of said traffic signals where in actual fact the system is of 1950s vintage & will change colour every ten minutes regardless.
"Ah! the lights are against me, but what's this? A control button! I'll press this & the little white man will flash & I'll be on my way. Isn't technology great!" Another cruel trick from our heartless government,a placebo button.
by Alex & Bonzo Dogg November 16, 2006
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when everyone abound u is high and then you fell high
wow, everyone is high around me, I also fell high, I am/feel placebo high.
by _vdod_69 November 27, 2021
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A Facebook friend created only to advance yourself in an online social networking game.
My FarmVille co-op consists of myself, my wife and my placebo friend "Cheech".
by Dr John April 20, 2010
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It’s a “bra” that doesn’t help support your boobs but you wear to feel like you are at least wearing something
Susan tells Katie “hey katie, you’re looking pretty comfortable today” Katie replies with “yes I am, it’s because I’m wearing a placebo bra today! You should try one!”
by VictoriaPlacebo September 3, 2018
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When somebody announces that they farted even though they didn't. The victims are tricked into thinking this is the truth, and they mentally create the smell of a fart, thinking its real.
Guy 1: "Dude I just ripped a huge one!"

Guy 2: *breathes in* "Aww gross man, that's nasty!"

Guy 1: "Dude I'm kidding. I made a placebo fart."
by SupaC July 20, 2010
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facebook status which has no meaning or did not had any effect on people,fake one
what an placebo status
by Ronnie4060 October 13, 2011
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a placebo drink is a alcohol-less drink that occurs when a bartender cuts you off without your knowledge...
I had four margaritas and the fifth was pure pineapple juice and grenadine. That bitch bartender gave me a placebo drink!
by sloppy drunk 11 April 14, 2010
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